This month, the secret research facility content pack once again takes us underground and into the world of science. I would love to write you an atmospheric fluff text here, but I think my creative brain cells have already run out for today to finish this pack XD
In any case, I hope you enjoy using it as much as I enjoyed drawing it and putting it together in Dungeondraft.
I also just realized that with this content pack, we have reached 1,5 years worth of content. wow – how fast time flies. Might have to do a little anniversary thingy sometime soon 🙂 If you have any ideas what that could be I would gladly hear about them!
I wish you all a wonderful week!
Greetings from Ana
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Thank you for being part of a day at! I think it’s really amazing that you support me and allow me to continue to work on this project!
Or want to try out the a day at content?
You can find all free content published so far (free maps, Dungeondraft packs and other things) in the open area of my cloud:
One big secret research facility spanning over 5 level.
All Maps have a grid count of 48×27. That should also fit neatly on a 55 Inch TV.
LEVEL 0 [Entrances, maintenance & water basin]:
3 different environments: desert, forest & urban
rooftop versions
variants with and without cars
modern & abandoned / post-apocalyptic version
SUBLEVEL 1 [laboratories, offices & security]:
2 different meeting rooms (“normal” & “interspecies”)
ventilation shaft variants
standalone overlay variant (the grid floors and elevator are semi-transparent so you can see through)
modern & abandoned / post-apocalyptic version
SUBLEVEL 2 [offices, monitoring, holes into sublevel 3]:
variants with view into level -3 (with all variants from sublevel 3)
standalone overlay variant
ventilation shaft variants
modern & abandoned / post-apocalyptic version
SUBLEVEL 3 [operation room, species tubes, platform]:
different scientific contents and an empty version so you can put into it what you want
variants: empty, ufo, portal (inactive, active, overload) & Black Hole -
variants with view into level -4 (with subway and without)
standalone overlay variant
ventilation shaft variants
modern & abandoned / post-apocalyptic version
SUBLEVEL 4 [Quarters, Tram Station]:
variants with subway/tram and without
standalone overlay variant
ventilation shaft variants
modern & abandoned / post-apocalyptic version
All level / floors come as
modern and apocalyptic / abandoned versions
300 & 100ppi JPG files with and without grid and
300ppi PDF files with grid
300 & 100ppi gridless webp files
300 & 100ppi gridless webp files for the transparent overlays

Around 90 individual Assets in different variations – over 1100 in total.
Each of these come as
100ppi PNG files
300ppi PNG files
+ The Dungeondraft [Creative GMs] Pack:
– including all assets as Dungeondraft objects and additional Dungeondraft specific content – such as paths, textures, colorable assets and more
pink = colorable

The Foundry VTT Map pack:
pre-configured walls, doors and windows
dynamic lighting
door sounds
regions for weather suppression (Ground Floor)
floorplans as scenes
Patrons, you can find the PDF with the description and download link in the “#0_FoundryVTT_Map_modules” Folder
The “secret research facility” Prefabs & Rooms:
over 150 Prefabs in total with the following themes:
cages – capsule – crate – Hanging Hazmat Suits – illuminating table – lab equipment – lab tables -locker – pipes – shelves – ventilations
Most Prefabs come as a “normal” and “dirty” Version.
12 different room types – 250 Rooms in total
each of these come as 100ppi & 300ppi PNG files
These are integrated with all the Assets and things from the creative GMs in the Dungeondraft [Thorough GMs] file – so you have all assets, rooms and prefabs in one file.
Most Rooms come as a “normal” and “abandoned” Version.
The following room types with different variations are part of this pack:
bathrooms – bedrooms – changing rooms – elevator – kitchen – laboratory – maintenance – offices – security – shower – stairs – storage
Here are some examples:
Also thorough GMs get the Dungeondraft files for the maps – so you can change them as you may need.
Thank you for your interest in a day at!
You can find all free content that has been created so far on the a day at cloud! If you like my content you are welcome to consider becoming a Patron! All these wonderful people help me put these visions out here – I´ll be glad if you decide to become one of them!
As always:
If you have troubles, suggestions or just want to be up to date – you are always welcome on the a day at Discord Server! Or you can DM me here, on Discord or via mail: .
Greetings from Ana!